Our Pre-School

Ofsted - January 23

We are pleased to share that at our recent inspection in January 2023, our Pre-School was rated GOOD by Ofsted.

We are incredibly proud of the staff and children who made this result possible. The inspector gave us some amazing feedback.

"Children demonstrate they feel happy and safe in their pre-school"

"Staff have high expectations for all children to make good progress"

"Parents feedback positively about the caring and nurturing staff, and value the support they receive"

Click here to read our full report

Our Aims

We follow the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (2021) and as such we seek to provide:

The EYFS sets the standards for learning, development and care for children from birth to the end of their first year (Reception) in School. We are continually aware of the development of the children through ongoing observations following the seven areas of learning of the Foundation Stage, seen on the diagram below:

Our Pre-School aims are these four guiding principles:

We also actively promote the fundamental British values:


Play is essential for children’s development, building confidence as they learn to explore, to think about problems, and to relate to others.  Children learn by leading their own play and by taking part in play which is guided by adults.  Through ongoing observations the staff will identify and consider the individual needs, interests and stages of development of each child and will use information obtained at these times to plan challenging and enjoyable experiences for each child.

Key Person

Your child will be assigned a member of staff who will be their Key Person.  This role is to help to ensure that your child’s care is tailored to meet their individual needs, to help them become familiar with the Setting, and offer a settled relationship for the child. The Key Person is happy to discuss your child’s progress and we encourage regular communication at the beginning and end of sessions and booked appointments can be made. We like to ensure that parents and the Pre-School work together as this has a positive impact on the children.  With this in mind, we encourage you to record information within your Tapestry account to contribute towards your child’s learning and development record.