Pricing / Funding
Fees from September 2023 are £21.75 for a 3 hour morning or afternoon session. Fees are payable for children who are either not entitled to the working entitlement of free childcare or are not yet entitled to universal free entitlement and for additional hours over the 15 hours per week. Fees are paid in advance on a termly basis.
Fees from September 2024 are £24.00 for a 3 hour morning or afternoon session.
You will be expected to pay fees even if your child is ill or if you go on holiday, as our running costs are the same whether your child attends or not. However, should you run into financial difficulties, please speak in confidence to anyone in the Manager team.
Should you decide to leave Pre-School or reduce the number of sessions attended one terms notice, in writing, is required. For fee paying families, failure to provide this notice will mean that you are still liable for fees during the required notice period.
The Pre-School reserves the right to amend session fees with one terms notice, in writing. Fees are reviewed on an annual basis before April for September, but may be reviewed mid year should the Pre-School face unexpected circumstances.
Snack Fund
Pre-School offer and provide a healthy snack for all children for every session they attend and we do ask for an annual voluntary contribution for the snacks. (Government funding is not intended to cover the costs of the snacks we provide).
The cost of the snack is £1 per week and is payable in two instalments, in terms 1 (September) and 4 (February).
From September 2024, the cost of snack will be £7 per child, per term (6 terms per year), and will be payable in two instalments, in terms 1 (September) and 4 (February).
Support with childcare costs including 15 hour free entitlement
There are a number of options for families to receive help with childcare costs. Many of the options are dependent on eligibility but we also offer the free entitlement of 15 hours which is available to ALL children aged 3 and 4.
Funding - 'Free Childcare Entitlement'
The government have launched Childcare Choices which explains and compares all the childcare offers and funding that are available and enables parents to check what works best for their family. Options looked at on their website are:
15 & 30 hours childcare for eligible working families - 15 hours for 2 year olds, up to 30 hours for 3 & 4 year olds (Working Entitlement). This offer of free childcare is only available to working parents that meet the eligibility criteria. Check here. For two year olds, the entitlement will begin the term after their second birthday (see below), for three year olds, the entitlement will begin the term after their third birthday.
15 hours of free childcare for 3 and 4 year olds (Universal Funding). This is universal for all children, funding starts the term following your child’s third birthday so children become eligible to claim their free entitlement of up to 15 hours per week the term after they turn 3.
15 hours of free childcare for 2 year olds (FF2) Penenden Heath Pre-School is registered for this scheme which is for looked-after children and parents who receive certain benefits. If your child is not yet entitled to the15 hours Universal funding and not entitled to the working entitlement and you think you may be eligible you can check here. You will need to apply via KCC, click here. If you need help completing this application, please email our Business Manager.
Entitlement start dates:
Birthday 1st Sept - 31st Dec : Entitlement begins January
Birthday 1st Jan - 31st March: Entitlement begins April
Birthday 1st April - 31st Aug: Entitlement begins September
Changes to a child’s funded hours can only be made at the beginning of terms 1, 3 and 5. Free entitlement can be used at up to a maximum of 2 childcare providers. Free entitlement will automatically be claimed on behalf of each eligible child for the sessions they attend at Penenden Heath Pre-School providing the necessary documents are completed and returned to Pre-School by parent/carers.
Other Support with Childcare Costs
Tax free childcare For children aged 0-11 years old (or 16 if disabled) – similar eligibility criteria applies as for the 30 hours of funding above and this funding must be applied for, check here.
Tax credits for childcare
Childcare vouchers This scheme is now closed to new entrants. We accept childcare vouchers in payment for fees, we are currently registered with the following Companies:
care-4, account no 96846262
Computershare, account no 8247913
Edenred, account no P20556201
Fideliti, account no PEN027C
Salary exchange
Sodexo, account no 812615
Please contact our Business Manager if your Company uses a childcare voucher system that is not listed here. From 4th October 2018 the childcare voucher scheme is no longer accepting new applicants. Instead parents can sign up to the tax-free childcare scheme.
Support whilst you study
Early Years Pupil Premium
This funding is used to support the children’s development, learning and care whilst at Pre-School. It is for 3 and 4 year olds with similar eligibility criteria as for FF2. Please click here to read FAQ's about EYPP. EYPP funding is paid directly to the setting – there is no monetary value for parents – we would then use the funding to improve the early years education that we provide for your child. If you think you are eligible, please let our Business Managers know by email so that they can apply on your behalf.