Useful links


Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. They report directly to Parliament and are independent and impartial. They inspect and regulate services which care for children and young people, and those providing education and skills for learners of all ages.

Charity Commission

The Charity Commission registers and regulates charities in England and Wales. They offer charities advice and provide a wide range of services and guidance to help them run as effectively as possible. They also keep the online Register of Charities, which provides information about each of the thousands of registered charities in England and Wales.

Kent children and family information service

This service provides free information and advice to parents, carers and members of the public about childcare and early years education. Click Here

Department for Education 

This department is responsible for education and children’s services.


Information for parents of under 5’s on e-safety. and 

Preventing Terrorism 

This website ‘Lets Talk About It’ is designed to provide a better understanding, practical help and guidance to the public in order to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism.

Direct Gov. 

This is the UK government’s digital service for people in England and Wales. It delivers information and practical advice about public services, bringing them all together in one place.

Bower Grove Parent Support

Offers support for Maidstone families with special needs.


Helps charities to raise money when their supporters shop online. All you have to do is register with easyfundraising and when you do your online shopping a donation will be passed on to Penenden Heath Pre-School.

Children’s Centres

These are centres that provide information and services for families with young children.  Click Here

Support for victims of Domestic Abuse

Including details of our nearest One Stop Shop and the Sanctuary Scheme, click here for advice and support.

Drug and Alcohol Support

Get help from professionals who specialise in treating addiction at addiction treatment centres in Maidstone. AIM Recovery.

Early Years Foundation Stage

** We are aware these links are currently broken and we have asked to look into this. In the meantime, the EYFS in its entirety can be found here: Early years foundation stage (EYFS) statutory framework - GOV.UK ( 

 This **brochure provides information for all families with children under the age of 5 years including information on the revised statutory framework of the Early Years Foundation Stage which takes effect from September 2021.

Additional Guidance for supporting children with Special educational needs and disability can be found following this **link.

SEND information hub – Kent County Council – The KCC Local Offer.

Children’s Therapies – The Pod – Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust (

BBC Schools

Provides educational learning resources for children with activities and games.

KCC School Admissions

Provides information about applying for school

Food agency

Ideas for healthy packed lunches can be found on these websites. and Change4life

Oral Health

A mini guide on Oral Health for children from the Early Years Alliance.

Support to stop Smoking

Get started today and fill in a referral form online with KCC, a friendly advisor will then call you to talk through the options in your area. You can also call them on 0300 123 1220 or text ‘quit’ to 87023.

• Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) – offer confidential advice on problems associated with smoking in the workplace. Tel: (0207) 739 5902. Website:

• National ‘Giving Up Smoking’ Helpline is on 0800 1690169.