Pre-School T-Shirts and sweatshirts are available to buy for your children please email info@penendenheathpreschool.co.uk with your requirements. Sweatshirts are £13.00 and T-Shirts are £10.50, both are available in 3-4 and 5-6 ONLY.
Clothing and jewellery
Please ensure that your child is dressed in clothes that are easy to manage (e.g elasticated waists) as we encourage self-help skills eg toileting. Clothing that children sometimes struggle with are dungarees, braces, belts, stiff buttons, long dresses and tights, and so these should be avoided. Children should come to Pre-School in clothes that are suitable for messy play (although we provide aprons for painting, gluing and water play). Please ensure that every item of clothing is clearly named, this especially applies to Pre-School jumpers, hats, coats and shoes. A name label will be provided for your child's coat and bag.
For health and safety reasons we suggest that any jewellery is removed before attending Pre-School.
Could you please ensure that your child has closed in, soft soled shoes for indoor use at Pre-School. Plimsolls or Clarks “Doodles” are ideal. On arrival please help your child to change into their indoor shoes and hang their outdoor shoes on the trolley in the mesh named bag – not their art bag. These bags will be provided. It is preferred that children wear wellies as their outside shoes as they are easy to slip on and off to encourage independence.
Name Tags
Please ensure that you name everything that comes into Pre-School. We recommend the use of sticky name tags available from www.mynametags.com. If you use our school ID, 47203, we also receive 24% of the cost of your order, raising those ever so important funds for Pre-School.