Surplus food....
Neighbourly is an award-winning giving platform that helps businesses make a positive impact in their communities by donating volunteer time, money and surplus products, all in one place.
We collect donations from local supermarkets of surplus food which we hope to use either as snack for the children, things they can explore and play with or distribute to our pre-school community.
We know times are tough for lots of people these days but this is open to all of our families. Surplus food donated by local supermarkets will be put on tables outside pre-school at the end of the day. Please do help yourselves to anything you would make use of. It is really important that all of the food donated is taken and used by our community, we don’t want to waste food as that defeats our objective! Please help yourself and enjoy what you find!
Our thanks goes to Mrs Hartridge for volunteering her time to be a part of this scheme.